VILLAGE OF BROWNVILLE TAX RATE The Village Tax Rate for June 2024 - May 2025 is: 6.40%
Village Tax Bills are distributed every June and can be paid at the Village Office until October 31st. . Late Payment/Tax Penalties are as follows: July: +5% August: +6% September: +7% October: +8% Any unpaid taxes after October 31st may be paid with the Jefferson County Treasurer with additional tax penalties. To View/Print your tax bill online , click on the button below. Once you've found your property, click on "Tax Info" then "View Tax Bills"
The School Tax Relief (STAR) Program provides eligible homeowners in New York State with relief on their property taxes. If you're a STAR recipient, you receive the benefit in one of two ways:
the STAR credit program (open to any eligible homeowner whose income is $500,000 or less)—you receive a check in the mail from the Tax Department to apply to your school taxes
the STAR exemption program — you receive a direct reduction on your school tax bill in the form of a property tax exemption
Whether you receive the STAR exemption or the credit, there are two types of STAR benefits:
Available for owner-occupied, primary residences
The income limit for the Basic STAR credit is $500,000 (the income limit for the Basic STAR exemption is $250,000)
Based on the first $30,000 of the full value of a home
Provides an increased benefit for the primary residences of senior citizens (age 65 and older)
The income limit for the Enhanced Star benefit is $98,700 or less
Based on the first $68,700 of the full value of a home for the 2019-2020 school year
Enhanced STAR recipients are now required to enroll in the Income Verification Program (IVP).
Note: Senior citizens receiving Enhanced STAR may also be eligible for the senior citizens exemption.
For more information, eligibility requirements, or to Sign up for the STAR Program, click the button below: